The definitive guide to digital advertising
How digital advertising can benefit you Today, digital advertising expands beyond banner ads with basic targeting. It’s now possible to zero in on prospects based on specific demographics, intent, their stage in the sales funnel, and engagement patterns. These insights can then be used across display, search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO), […]

Marketing metrics and analytics cheat sheet
The growing imperative for marketers has arrived—but many firms have ground to make up in this area. According to Forrester, 77% of global B2B decision makers cite their use of data and analytics to guide decisions as one of their top weaknesses. Done right, marketing metrics and analytics can be a strategic enabler of trust, […]

Marketo’s secrets to campaign optimization
Whether you’re a novice or an expert marketer, A/B testing should be part of your campaign optimization toolkit. By testing one element at a time to see how it affects the broader performance of a program, you can assess the effectiveness of each variable in driving conversions and make necessary adjustments. By continuing to refine […]

Introduction to content marketing cheat sheet
Convincing prospects to buy into your brand comes down to creating perceived value for your products and services. People are not receptive to hard-sell messaging right away, so you have to guide them down a path that helps them feel engaged and helps them solve a key challenge or address an unfulfilled need. To lead […]
The Practical Guide to Giving Your Consumers the Omnichannel Experience
From a consumer perspective, the best brands are those that weave themselves into their customers’ lives—becoming a part of their identity. These brands are present all the time without obvious detection or being seen as a distraction. They don’t just show up to demand something—Buy Now! Start Today! Click Here!—but they don’t wait on the […]